I was a geologist, first working on seismic vibrations of the earth/earthquakes and later focused on determining the climatic changes in geological time by using oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. But there comes a moment in one's life when one has no chance but to answer the call of one's passion(s) instead. I was and always have been interested in sculpturing , so I decided to be a sculptor (following 7 years with specialisation and diplomas at the SLAC / Academy of Arts in Leuven).
My other passion is yoga, experiencing the different forms of yoga (Hatha, Astanga, Yin , Iyengar ....) but it is Kundalini Yoga with its meditations and mantras that touched me. Since 2006, I was practicing Kundalini Yoga and finally got my level 1 KRI-IKYTA teacher's diploma in 2016 and KYTF-UK StarchildTM (children yoga) Yoga Instructor certificate in 2017 and been teaching since then, including giving yoga to seniors.
Practicing kundalini yoga opened my full awareness to energies. The realisation that I can help facilitate energy healing led me to reiki and my initiation in Usui Shiki Ryoho REIKI healer level 1 (2012) and level 2 (2013) and Usui Reiki Master Degree (2021) by Grandmaster Inge Meersman.
In recent years, my love for sounds and vibrations and experiencing their effects on the body and psych led me to study and be certified as a Gong Practitioner for Sound Healing (2017) under the teaching of Mark Swan. Since then, I have been giving sound baths in group, often in combination with Kundalini yoga.
In 2018, I was certified to practice Closing the Bones and Deeper into Closing the Bones (a form of massage to close the pelvic bones and stop the leakages of energy from the Sacral Chakra) after following a training workshop with Sofie Messager.
In 2019, after an intensive 18 months of studies inclusive case studies, exams and trainings in Dublin, Ireland, using sound instruments ( I specialised in voice, tuning forks and crystal singing bowls ) to facilitate the healing of body, emotion, mind and soul, I got my Diploma in Integral Sound Healing (for individual clients) from the Sound Healing Academy.
In 2020, I was lucky to complete the International Healing Voice Training, in Spain, certified by the Association of Sound Therapy, where I learned how to use the power of my voice to heal using overtone singing.
My vision is to bring the integral sound healing available to everyone not only to those who can afford alternative healing but especially to those who need it most but are restricted by resources.
My dream is the recognition of the use of sound/vibrations/frequencies as a complimentary healing modality with mainstream medical practice (UK, America and Ireland started to recognize and be open to this already). From experience, such will hasten the healing not only of the body but the psych.
I see a future of co-working of healers and teachers of different philosophies/schools. I believe in working together for the common cause.
And finally, I see myself “armed” with sounds/vibration/frequencies working side by side with practitioners of other alternative/complimentary modalities to find a truly new holistic and effective non-intrusive manner of healing ...
Sat Nam,
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